
Natural disasters strike everywhere: Ways to help protect your health

A powerful, destructive storm producing a tornado crosses through fields and roads, throwing debris up into the air as lightening forks down in the distance

Climate change is an escalating threat to the health of people everywhere. As emergency medicine physicians practicing in Australia and the United States, we — and our colleagues around the world — already see the impacts of climate change on those we treat.

Will we be seeing you one day soon? Hopefully not. Yet an ever-growing number of us will face climate-related emergencies, such as flooding, fires, and extreme weather. And all of us can actively prepare to protect health when the need arises. Here’s what to know and do.

How is climate change affecting health?

As the planet warms, people are seeking emergency medical care for a range of climate-related health problems, such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, asthma due to air pollution, and infectious diseases related to flooding and shifting biomes that prompt ticks, mosquitoes, and other pests to relocate. News headlines frequently spotlight physical and emotional trauma stemming from hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, and floods.

We care for people displaced from their homes and their communities by extreme weather events. Many suddenly lack access to their usual medical team members and pharmacies, sometimes for significant periods of time. The toll of extreme weather often lands hardest on people who are homeless, those with complex medical conditions, children, the elderly, people with disabilities, minoritized groups, and those who live in poorer communities.

On a recent 110º Fahrenheit day, for example, a woman came to an emergency department in Adelaide, Australia complaining of a headache, fatigue, and nausea, all symptoms of heat exhaustion. She told medical staff that she had just walked for two hours in the sun to obtain groceries, as she had no car or access to public transportation. While health advisories in the media that day had advised her to stay inside in air conditioning, walking outside was only the only option she had to feed her family. For this woman and many others, well-intended public health warnings do little to reduce the risk of illness during extreme weather. Achieving safe, equitable health outcomes will require addressing access to shelter, access to transportation, and other societal factors that put people at risk of bad health outcomes.

Extreme weather contributes to large-scale health and safety issues

Increasingly, climate-related extreme weather is leading to interrupted access to medical care, contributing to later illness and death. Extreme weather can damage key infrastructure like the electrical grid, so that those relying on home medical equipment cannot use it. It may shut down health care facilities like a dialysis center or emergency room, or slow care in facilities that stay open.

People fleeing a fire or hurricane can be displaced into settings where they may have difficulty getting medical care or obtaining much-needed medicine, such as insulin, dialysis, high blood pressure treatments, and heart medicines. Such factors can worsen chronic conditions and may even cause death, particularly in people with existing medical conditions like heart failure, lung disease, and kidney disease.

How can you be ready to protect your health?

We all have a part to play in keeping ourselves and our communities well in the face of increasing dangers from climate change. Taking these steps will help.

If you or a loved one has health issues:

  • Keep a printed summary handy listing all medical conditions, medications and dosages, and phone numbers for your health providers.
  • If you have to leave your home, try to bring all medications with you — even bringing empty pill bottles will help a doctor trying to restart your medications.
  • Store medicines in a waterproof bag in a place where you can easily find them. This will help if you need to evacuate quickly.

Think about what to do if you need to leave home quickly. Now is the time to figure out your basic emergency plan:

  • Where will you go if you need to evacuate?
  • How will you get there?
  • How could you communicate with others if there is no electricity or phone service?
  • Do you have written contact info for a few family members and friends, in case you lose your phone or the battery dies?

Finally, we all need to look out for others in our community. Check in on elderly neighbors and those around you who may be socially disconnected, and make sure that they are safe where they live and are able to access the medical care they may need when the weather turns hot, cold, smoky, fiery, snowy, wet, or windy.

Climate change is here. It is already having tangible and significant impacts on our communities and the health of people around the world. Moreover, the increased risk of climate-related extreme weather is here to stay for the foreseeable future, and we must prepare for the threats it poses to our health, both now and in decades to come. We all have a part to play — health professionals, communities, and individuals — in keeping ourselves and each other healthy and safe.

About the Authors

photo of Kimberly Humphrey, MD, MPH

Kimberly Humphrey, MD, MPH, Contributor

Dr. Kimberly Humphrey is an emergency physician, a current Fellow in Climate Change and Human Health at Harvard C-CHANGE at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health, and a visiting scholar at the Harvard FXB Center. Her research focuses on the … See Full Bio View all posts by Kimberly Humphrey, MD, MPH photo of Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH

Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH, Contributor

Dr. Caleb Dresser is an emergency physician and assistant director of the Climate and Human Health Fellowship, cohosted by Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, the Harvard FXB Center, and Harvard C-CHANGE. His research focuses on understanding the health implications of climate-related … See Full Bio View all posts by Caleb Dresser, MD, MPH


Can long COVID affect the gut?

3-D illustration showing floating virus particles in red and white on the left and the center of a blue 3-D human male body in the middle with the gastrointestinal system highlighted in pinkish colors Low energy, brain fog, and lung problems are a few of the lingering aftereffects reported by some people who have had COVID-19. Could gut troubles also fall among the constellation of chronic symptoms that people with long-haul COVID experience? And if so, what do experts suggest to help ease this?

What happens to the gut during a COVID infection?

As we head into the fourth year since COVID-19 became a global health emergency, hundreds of millions of people around the globe have been infected with the virus that causes it. Since 2020, we’ve known that the virus particles that cause lung illness also infect the gastrointestinal (GI) tract: the esophagus, stomach, small intestines, and colon. This can trigger abdominal pain and diarrhea, which often — but not always — clear up as people recover.

We know chronic gut problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) sometimes occur even after illness caused by microorganisms like Campylobacter and Salmonella are cured. Could this happen with COVID-19?

What is long COVID?

While most people who get COVID-19 will survive, medical science is becoming aware of a group of people suffering from lasting declines in health. Well-reported long COVID aftereffects include tiredness, breathing difficulty, heart rhythm changes, and muscle pain. But few people, even in the medical field, are aware that long COVID symptoms may include chronic diarrhea and abdominal pain.

Why might the gut be involved in long COVID?

It is not clear why chronic gut symptoms might occur after a COVID-19 infection. One possible insight is a well-known syndrome called post-infectious irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) that may occur after a stomach flu (gastroenteritis).

Long after the bug causing the illness is gone, a change in gut-brain signaling may occur. A complex network of nerves connects the gut and the brain, and controls communication between different parts of the gut. These nerves tell body organs to produce digestive juices, alert you to the need to go to the bathroom, or prevent you from having another serving of stuffing at the Thanksgiving table.

The nerve network of the gut is so complicated that it is sometimes called the second brain. When the nerves are working well, you won’t notice a thing: you eat without pain, you move your bowels with ease, you have no GI worries. But what if the nerves are not working well? Then, even if the process of digestion remains normal, you may frequently have symptoms like pain or a distressing change in your bowel movements, such as diarrhea or constipation.

Once known as functional GI disorders, these health problems are now called disordered gut-brain interactions (DGBIs). When viruses and bacteria infect the gut, experts believe they may prompt a change in gut-brain signaling that can cause a DGBI like IBS to develop.

What to do if you’re noticing long-lasting gut problems after COVID-19 infection

We still do not know conclusively if COVID-19 can cause a long-term change in gut-brain messaging that leads to IBS or other disordered gut-brain interactions. But increasing evidence suggests that GI distress lasting six months or longer might be a symptom of long COVID. While we wait for more evidence, some GI specialists, including myself, recommend trying approaches that help relieve irritable bowel syndrome and other DGBIs.

If you are suffering from chronic abdominal pain and a change in your bowel movements after having had COVID-19, talk to your primary care doctor. Many health conditions have similar symptoms, including viral or bacterial infections, inflammation, or even cancers. A thorough exam can help to rule out certain conditions.

If the problem persists, do not suffer alone or feel embarrassed to act! Seek help if severe pain or changes in bowel movements are harming your quality of life or affecting daily activities. Talk with your doctor about the possibility that your chronic gut symptoms might be a form of long COVID. Find out if they can recommend helpful treatments or suggest a referral to a GI specialist. As research continues, new information may be available.

About the Author

photo of Christopher D. Vélez, MD

Christopher D. Vélez, MD, Contributor

Dr. Christopher Vélez is an attending gastroenterologist in the Center for Neurointestinal Health of Massachusetts General Hospital's division of gastroenterology and the MGH department of medicine. He focuses on neurogastroenterology and motility disorders of the esophagus, … See Full Bio View all posts by Christopher D. Vélez, MD


Considering collagen drinks and supplements?

A red-colored drink being poured from a bottle into a glass with ice; concept is collagen drinks

A tremendous buzz surrounds collagen drinks and supplements, as celebrities and influencers tout miraculous benefits for skin, hair, and nails. Since the collagen in our bodies provides crucial support for these tissues, it seems plausible that consuming collagen might lead to lush locks and a youthful glow. But what does the science say?

What is collagen?

Collagen is a major structural protein in our tissues. It’s found in skin, hair, nails, tendons, cartilage, and bones. Collagen works with other substances, such as hyaluronic acid and elastin, to maintain skin elasticity, volume, and moisture. It also helps make up proteins such as keratin that form skin, hair, and nails.

Our bodies naturally produce collagen using the amino acids from protein-rich or collagen-rich foods like bone broth, meat, and fish. But aging, sun damage, smoking, and alcohol consumption all decrease collagen production.

Collagen drinks and supplements often contain collagen from many different sources, such as fish, cattle, pigs, or chicken. Typically, they contain peptides, short chains of amino acids that help make up essential proteins in the body, including collagen itself and keratin.

What does the science say about collagen drinks and supplements?

Research on skin includes:

  • A review and analysis of 19 studies, published in the International Journal of Dermatology, that had a total of 1,125 participants. Those who used collagen supplements saw an improvement in the firmness, suppleness, and moisture content of the skin, with wrinkles appearing less noticeable. That sounds promising, but it’s unclear if these skin improvements were actually due to collagen. Most of the trials used commercially available supplements that contained more than collagen: vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, and chondroitin sulfate were among the additional ingredients.
  • A few randomized, controlled trials (see here and here) show that drinking collagen supplements with high amounts of the peptides prolylhydroxyproline and hydroxyprolylglycine can improve skin moisture, elasticity, wrinkles, and roughness. But large, high-quality studies are needed to learn whether commercially available products are helpful and safe to use long-term.

Hardly any evidence supports the use of collagen to enhance hair and nails. One small 2017 study of 25 people with brittle nails found that taking 2.5 grams of collagen daily for 24 weeks improved brittleness and nail growth. However, this small study had no control group taking a placebo to compare with the group receiving collagen supplements.

There haven’t been any studies in humans examining the benefits of collagen supplementation for hair. Currently, no medical evidence supports marketing claims that collagen supplements or drinks can improve hair growth, shine, volume, and thickness.

Should you try collagen supplements or drinks?

At this time, there isn’t enough proof that taking collagen pills or consuming collagen drinks will make a difference in skin, hair, or nails. Our bodies cannot absorb collagen in its whole form. To enter the bloodstream, it must be broken down into peptides so it can be absorbed through the gut.

These peptides may be broken down further into the building blocks that make proteins like keratin that help form skin, hair, and nails. Or the peptides may form collagen that gets deposited in other parts of the body, such as cartilage, bone, muscles, or tendons. Thus far, no human studies have clearly proven that collagen you take orally will end up in your skin, hair, or nails.

If your goal is to improve skin texture and elasticity and minimize wrinkles, you’re better off focusing on sun protection and using topical retinoids. Extensive research has already demonstrated that these measures are effective.

If you choose to try collagen supplements or drinks, review the list of ingredients and the protein profile. Avoid supplements with too many additives or fillers. Products containing high quantities of prolylhydroxyproline and hydroxyprolylglycine are better at reducing wrinkles and improving the moisture content of skin.

Consult your doctor before starting any new supplements. People who are prone to gout or have other medical conditions that require them to limit protein should not use collagen supplements or drinks.

The bottom line

Large-scale trials evaluating the benefits of oral collagen supplements for skin and hair health are not available. If you’re concerned about thinning or lackluster hair, brittle nails, or keeping skin smooth and healthy, talk to your doctor or a dermatologist for advice on the range of options.

It will also help to:

  • Follow a healthy lifestyle and eat a balanced diet that includes protein-rich foods.
  • If you smoke, quit.
  • Limit alcohol to two drinks or less in a day for men or one drink or less in a day for women.
  • Apply sunscreen daily and remember to reapply every two hours.
  • Wear wide-brimmed or UV-protective hats and clothing when you’re spending a lot of time in the sun.

Follow Payal Patel on Twitter @PayalPatelMD

Follow Maryanne Makredes Senna on Twitter @HairWithDrMare

About the Authors

photo of Payal Patel, MD

Payal Patel, MD, Contributor

Dr. Payal Patel is a dermatology research fellow at Massachusetts General Hospital. Her clinical and research interests include autoimmune disease and procedural dermatology. She is part of the Cutaneous Biology Research Center, where she investigates medical … See Full Bio View all posts by Payal Patel, MD photo of Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD

Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD, Contributor

Dr. Maryanne Makredes Senna is a board-certified dermatologist at at Beth Israel Lahey Health, and assistant professor of dermatology at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Senna founded and directs the Lahey Hair Loss Center of Excellence and … See Full Bio View all posts by Maryanne Makredes Senna, MD